Support us

EBRI is grateful to all those who have supported our work. Thanks to your generosity scientific research moves forward to improve diagnosis and find the therapies needed to improve the quality of life.

Make a donation.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

Support us

EBRI is grateful to all those who have supported our work. Thanks to your generosity scientific research moves forward to improve diagnosis and find the therapies needed to improve the quality of life.

Make a donation.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

Donations on a regular basis

2 euro a day

in two years, you will support a young researcher’s grant for one month.

*60 euro per month

10 euro a month

in three years, you will support our research by funding the purchase of a new lens for a super-resolution microscope.

50 euro a month

In one year, you will support our research by funding a new PC  to analyze research data.


For further information please contact our Donations Office or call +39 06 49 255 255.



Donations to EBRI are tax deductible and can be made via bank wire transfer or through the post office.

Post Office

Account number 88085014 made payable to Fondazione EBRI Rita Levi-Montalcini.

Address: Viale Regina Elena 295, 00161 Roma

Bank wire transfer

Banca Etica – Filiale di Roma –
Via Parigi, 17 – 00185 Roma
C/C: 11658184 – intestato a Fondazione EBRI Rita Levi-Montalcini
ABI: 05018
CAB: 03200

IBAN: IT28Z0501803200000011658184


Designate your “5x1000”

Destinare il tuo 5 X 1000 alla Fondazione EBRI Rita Levi-Montalcini è un gesto semplice, ma importante per aiutarci a portare avanti le nostre ricerche sul cervello.

Le persone che hanno la residenza fiscale in Italia possono farlo, indicando nel proprio modello per la dichiarazione dei redditi (Modello 730, CUD o UNICO) il codice fiscale di EBRI:

97 27 27 40 586

Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui.

Bequest in your will

We are extremely grateful to those who have been kind enough to remember the European Brain Research Institute in their will.

Through the generosity of bequests, we can promote and advance neurobiological and neurophysiological research with the aim of finding new therapies against Alzheimer, ALS, Parkinson’s diseases and other neurological pathologies.

For further information please contact our Donations Office , Tel. +39 06 49 255 255.

Donate in memory

Donations in someone’s memory is a special way to remember a loved one and support the scientific research of EBRI. When a donation in someone’s name is made, EBRI will send a letter to the family of the deceased to inform them of your kind gesture.

For further information please contact our Donations Office , Tel. +39 06 49 255 255.

Promote a fundraising event

Create a fundraising event to support EBRI’s research activities. Even a small contribution can make a difference!

Turn your special occasions (wedding, birthdays, graduation, corporate events, sporting events, etc..) into a gesture of solidarity.

Share your ideas with us!

Contact our Donations Office , Tel. +39 06 49 255 255.