Domenico Pimpinella, post doc at EBRI received the price as best poster presentation awarded by the BraYniacs at 4th “BRAINSTORMING RESEARCH ASSEMBLY FOR YOUNG NEUROSCIENTISTS (BraYn) conference 2021”

Domenico Pimpinella, Post Doc at EBRI in “Cortical Microcircuits and Neurodevelopmental Disorders” Lab received the best poster presentation awarded by the BraYniacs at 4th BraYn conference, Pisa 20-22 October 2021.

The poster, presented by Dott. Domenico Pimpinella, entitled “Septal cholinergic input to CA2 hippocampal region controls social memory via nicotinic receptor-mediated disinhibition” illustrates as acetylcholine, released from medial septum cholinergic neurons in the CA2 hippocampal region, controls social memory byactivating nicotinic receptors expressed by local inhibitory interneurons.